

Mutch has played 450 career games!
M. Sager has played 400 career games!
Mandell has amassed 200 career points!




Speak up! As a Mighty Pirate fan, it's your duty to let everyone know what you think about the issues that matter. Here's an archive of past Pirate Polls. Of course, the most recent poll always appears on the bottom left side of every page!
What's been the most exciting Pirate development so far this season? Total votes: 12 Last season's rookies decide to come back! (Cooper, Hoekman and Sturgeon) |  42% (5 votes)
| Stellar signing of 3 new rookies (Leggett, Levine and Mola) |  33% (4 votes)
| The Canucks were eliminated, so the Webmaster finally got off his ass and got the site working again! |  17% (2 votes)
| Out with the old blood (Old Nats, Phantoms, Mongolian Horde), we have new enemies to fry (Longshots, Mid Ice Crisis, Panthers, Wolfpack)! |  8% (1 votes)
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