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Speak up! As a Mighty Pirate fan, it's your duty to let everyone know what you think about the issues that matter. Here's an archive of past Pirate Polls. Of course, the most recent poll always appears on the bottom left side of every page!
The Disgruntled Fan has been calling for the Pirates to wear their Black&Yellow! Do you agree it's time to go back? Total votes: 10
No... didn't the Winter Pirates just become Champions wearing white? Duh!
50% (5 votes)
Shouldn't Pirates be wearing blood red? Time for a fourth jersey!
20% (2 votes)
Hellz-ya! Plus, that track is dope! Finally... a team theme song!
10% (1 votes)
No way! I paid top dollar for the new white jersey!
10% (1 votes)
Whatever... it really doesn't make a difference. Frequent change keeps it fresh.
10% (1 votes)
Yes. Mainly because I didn't buy a white sweater, and I'm tired of wearing #29!