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Speak up! As a Mighty Pirate fan, it's your duty to let everyone know what you think about the issues that matter. Here's an archive of past Pirate Polls. Of course, the most recent poll always appears on the bottom left side of every page!
Who's injury was the least acceptable during the Pirates' Round-Robin shootout loss to Nemesis IV? Total votes: 62
Lella - Yes, we all know how tired you get with the jet lag after enjoying fine Danish beers for an extended period.
61% (38 votes)
J. Klein - Saving lives is more important than the Pirates?
15% (9 votes)
Leggett - You can't play with a severe fever? AND, you blame it on your sick kid?
13% (8 votes)
Rosenberg - Hamstring (Grade 2) playing softball? Really?
5% (3 votes)
Sousa - Seriously? Vacation?
3% (2 votes)
Gallivan - We know you played, but... could you be more out of shape?