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Speak up! As a Mighty Pirate fan, it's your duty to let everyone know what you think about the issues that matter. Here's an archive of past Pirate Polls. Of course, the most recent poll always appears on the bottom left side of every page!
What's the single most important factor for the Pirates to defeat Grrrowl tonight? Total votes: 11
Every Pirate playing their position perfectly and giving 100% effort!
55% (6 votes)
Not getting into heated altercations and staying out of the box!
18% (2 votes)
Quick shifts!
18% (2 votes)
Having fun and smiling! Amanda will be there with beer and wings after... that's all that matters!
9% (1 votes)
Scoring lots and lots of goals no matter what!
0% (0 votes)
We didn't get our new black jerseys... we're toast!