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Speak up! As a Mighty Pirate fan, it's your duty to let everyone know what you think about the issues that matter. Here's an archive of past Pirate Polls. Of course, the most recent poll always appears on the bottom left side of every page!
What is the single most annoying incident in Rinx history? Total votes: 14
The pile of puke left sitting in a Rinx 1 sin bin for an entire evening. Poor Vito!
29% (4 votes)
Not being able to freeze a big hole on Rinx 3, and sending everyone home after we were all dressed.
21% (3 votes)
The everyday unclean, smelly rooms we have to change in.
21% (3 votes)
The broken Rinx 1 door handle (four months)! A safety hazard AND directly responsible for 2 goals against Monday night!
14% (2 votes)
When someone left crap and a bunch of paper towels in a Rinx 2 dressing room urinal. Stanky!